About 10 days ago our 2002 Nissan Sentra blew a motor. That car had been one problem after another. We had just spent $400 one a new Radiator, Water Pump & Thermostat just 3 weeks previous. 2 months before that we spent over $150 on new tires and had our oil changed just 4 days before. So, when it blew the motor it was bitter sweet.
Bitter: Well, the expense of fixing or buying another car is never something you welcome. We our currently working through Baby Step #2 in Financial Peace University and any big expense like this is rather detracting.
Sweet: I hated that car! It broke down seemingly all the time. Every month there was something else going wrong with it. So the prospect of not having to deal with that stupid thing anymore was great.
The Mission: If you are familiar with FPU then you know our savings account is at the $1000 mark and that we wont exactly be buying a new car with that. We called around and got quote ranging from $2000 - $6000 to fix the car. That was way more than the car was even worth so we really didn't know what to do.

So last Monday I decided I would put it on craigslist and see what I could get for it AS-IS. I posted it and fully described it and put, what i thought was, a crazy price on it just to see if I could get any bites.
After posting it went and got a shower and then when I returned to my desk I saw I had missed 10 phone calls, all of which were about the car! I called them all back and arranged for 2 of them to meet me within the hour. They arrived and the high bidder got the car for $1150. That was $1150 for a broken down, blown motor piece of junk (aptly described to them).
I thanked God for helping us and proceeded back to the house. After talking with Stacy we thought it would make for a pretty cool story (and a much better car) if we took that money from the sale of the car and "eBaid it" for a few weeks/months and see how nice of a car we could get.
BHAG: So, that will be a new subject of our blog for the next several weeks. We will use the moeny from the sale of our broken down car as 'seed money' to buy and sell items from aucitons, yardsale & thrift stores. My goal is to take the $1150 we got from the car and within 60 days from Today be able to buy a $10,000 car.
I don't have any idea if we will make it or not, but that's the goal.
Happy Following!
I love your Blog. What a cool idea with the seed money for the car. Rachel and I do this on a small scale all the time. We go to yeardsales just about every weekend and often find stuff just to put on EBAY. Right now I have a YAKIMA rack on EBAY. Paid- $5 for everything. Current bid- $51.00 for the towers. $11.49 for the SKI rack.
Awesome, thanks for reading. Whats your eBay ID?
It's Canadiaman
I was just noticing your goal test tube. Are you already at the $9000 mark or is that for demostration purposes?
No no, that was just a random picture I found. Ill update our status next monday or tuesday. BTW: I left a response to you on facebook.
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