1st Stop (7:00am):
Neighborhood Sale: Nothing
2nd Stop (7:15am)
Yard Sale: Had a lot of overprices stuff
Stacy pickd up a New in Box Salad sponner for $3
3rd Stop (7:30am)
Yard Sale: Very well organized but nothing we wanted
4th Stop (7:50am)
Yard Sale: A whole lot of nothing again
5th Stop: (8:00am)
Yard Sale: They had free donuts! I got a pretty sweet deal on some paintball gear and Stacy picked up a pretty nice Bill Organizer.
6th Stop: (8:30am)
Estate Sale: This was an Estate Sale put on by Patterson Estate Sale, we really like their sales. The house they were hosting this in was the strangest house. The floor plan just kept going and going. We didnt buy much here. They had some really nice golf equipment but they were wanting a little to much for it. I would up picking two old Doctors Reference books for $1.
7th Stop: (9:30am)
Community Sale: We got to this supposed community sale alittle later than we would have liked. But, it wasnt exactly a community sale anyhow. There were 3 house with sale going. However, we did pick up a few items. Stacy for some shoes and a dress for $3 as well as an old Cadillac Hood Ornament for $.25. I got a old Harley Davidson Mirror for $1, a speed reading tape course for $1 and a FREE 50 Disc CD Changer that may or may not work.
8th Stop: (10:50am)
Yard Sale: I picked up three Pampered Chef Stoneware dished for $10. I think this will be one of my better buys of the day.
9th Stop: (11:15pm)
Community Sale: Nice 5pc set of Vintage Leather Luggage for $8, 2 Baseball Helmets for $5 and a Baby Harness Carrier for $3.
10th Stop: (12:30pm)
Yard Sale: By this point it is getting pretty late to expect to find much at a Yard Sale but we managed to get a few smaller thing. I pickedup a Texas Holdem Video game for $1 and Stacy got a cool vintage metal box organizer for $.25.
11th Stop: (1:25pm)
Estate Sale: Our final stop of the of day was at an Estate Sale. I picked up an old Western electric Rotary phone for $5 and a 1940's pair of baseball cleats for $1.
Our friends that went with us again got a Really nice set of Sunroom furniture for their new house for $375. It retails at some of the department store for over $1200.
We followed up our yardsale day by hosting a Parents Night Out for the parents at church. Needless to say we didnt get our items listed yesterday and will be posting this morning. Ill update with some of the items you mught be interesed in watching as soon as I get them listed.
Ill be messing around with the formatt of these post for a while untile I find something that works
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