Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Item of the Day: Old School Fan

I though I would start doing an "Item of the Day" post. One of the questions I get the most is "What do I sell? & Where do I find it?". That is a rather difficult questions to answer because you literally can sell ANYTHING on eBay. It is not "What you sell" but rather "What you BUY, what you sell for". Make sense?

Here is an example.

I picked up this Antique 1920's Brass fan the other day.

I can do a quick eBay completed listings search for the model number and find that these fans sell for between $100-$200 dollars. The average is $145. So, if I have an opportunity to buy a fan identical or similar to this one I know that I need to pay LESS than $100.

I like to at least double my money on most everything I buy. The higher the dollar amount the less strict I am on this rule. In the case of this fan I paid $45. I knew that I would at least double my money on the low end and possbily triple my money if it went toward the higher end of the average price.

The auction ends in just a few hours. Check it our below.


WE PAID: $45

You can see everything at our store HERE



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