Sunday, May 30, 2010

BHAG: $10,000 - It is Finished!

I have been traveling all over the southeast the past few days. After trips to both Indianapolis and Cincinnati, Stacy and I headed off to Athens, AL for a graduation. Then I dropped Stacy off in Birmingham for wedding activities and now I am writing this live from Montgomery, while sitting on the couch of my cousins house. Amidst all of the traveling I haven't found much time to do any updating. Here is a quick status update on the BHAG progress over the last 7 days:

You know what that means? A full 21 days before the deadline we have surpassed the $10,000 mark! God has definitely made it possible for us to be able to pull this off. I have been contemplating a few new projects that those of you who read this could participate in. I'll be rolling that out in the next week or so, along with some major cosmetic changes to the BLOG. Thank you to everyone who keeps up with the BLOG. I'll be back to regular posting tomorrow.


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