Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Weekend Auction Roundup: Spring Creek Auctions

This weekend we took a road trip down to Florence, Al. We went to a live collectors auction. Our good friends Mike and Angie instigated the trip and it wound up being a really productive trip. We spent around $400 in total. The auction had a variety of some really cool items. They had everything from a Nazi Dagger to Political Buttons and Shotguns. 

I came away from the auction very intersted in getting into buying and selling used vintage firearms. There is a little more liability and precautions that have to be taken in the industry, so it might be alittle while before I venture into it. There is profit to be made though.

For instance, several shotguns that I knew, from my past hunting expereience, a little about sold for awesome prices. A emmington 870 Express sold for $80 and a Remmington 1100 Semi-Automatic sold for $120. But guns go for well over $200 new. Great deals on both.

Here is a run down of a few items that we bought.....and of course, what we paid for them.

We Paid: $110
Projected Sales Price: $25

We Paid: $20
Projected Sales Price: $50

We Paid: $28
Projected Sales Price: $65


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