Friday, May 21, 2010

Dinnerware Number Roundup

If you are a regular reader you know that I have started dabbling in selling dinnerware on eBay. I have written a few post on it (here and here). The first round of auctions finished up last week. Here is the summary of the 'first set ever bought'. I bought it at a Dogwood Estate Sale. Check out the numbers on how it turned out.

        We Paid: $25
        43 Total Pieces
        Dinner Plates: 6pcs
        Cereal Bowls: 6pcs
        Cup/Saucer Sets: 6pcs
        Fruit Bowls: 2pcs
        Bread/Butter Plates: 8pcs
        Salad Plate: 6pcs
        Creamer Dish: 1pcs
        Grand Mug: 4pcs
        Gravy Boat: 1pc
        Pepper Grinder: 1pc
        Oval Roaster Platter: 1pc
        Open Caserole Dish: 1pc
        Sugar Bowl: 1pc

(A few pieces where chipped or cracked and they counted cup/saucers as separate pieces)

We listed each piece in a seperate auciton. The cup/saucer sets and bread/butter places where listed in pairs. We put them all on 7 day auctions and started them at $9.99. We slowly got traffic on the items over the 7 day period. We got a few early bids but the majority of the bidding occured within the last hour of the auctions.

A total of 19 items sold the first time through. These auctions grossed $205.34

That is a net profit (after fees) of $159.80.

This number doesn't take into consideration profit made off of shipping cost either. This should bring another $20 of profit. 

We have another 21 auctions left outstanding. These auctions that did not sell the first time through, we will put them in our eBay store and list them as a Buy It Now or Best Offer. The total of these items listed price is $252.

Here is the final rundown:
43 Items Purchased
29 Auctions Posted
19 Auctions Sold @ $205.34
21 Auctions Remain @ $252

Total Projected Sales: $457.34



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